
We have several publications available for sale.  Please contact Pauline on for more information.


Reuben Farley The Man of West Bromwich

by Pauline Lawley & Anne Wilkins

2015 Hard back 143 pages  R.R.P. £14.95    on sale at special price of £5.00 plus p&p

The life of our first and five times Mayor who had such an impact on West Bromwich during Queen Victoria’s reign.


The Hudson Family in West Bromwich compiled by John Hutchcocks

2018 paperback  56 pages  Price £3.50 plus p&p

The Hudson family paid a fleeting visit to West Bromwich, left their mark and were gone all in a little over 100 years.

This book traces the Hudson family history including the Inventor of the World Famous “Hudson Soap Flakes”.


With Bomber Command by John C. Sedgley

2018 Hardback  72 pages  Special Price of £5.00 plus p&p

The Story of Warrant Officer John Colin Sedgley, a West Bromwich lad who in 1940 at the age of 20, joined the RAF and was a prisoner of war from July 1942 to April 1945.